Without further adieu, I bring you Confessional Friday!
- I confess that the upcoming cooler temps are definitely causing me to crave cooler-temp type food. This week, I'd totally planned to make lasagna.. Which completely sounded like heaven on earth at the grocery store on Sunday. However, before I knew it, it was Wednesday, and I still hadn't cooked said lasagna... I had lunch and dinner plans on both Monday and Tuesday, so there just wasn't a need. By the time it was Wednesday, lasagna just didn't sound nearly as heavenly. Plus, I realized I had a few bell peppers and some mushrooms that needed to be used. So, I threw together some homemade 'sketti! Boy, did it hit the spot! I used a canned sauce and just added my own ingredients - one pound of ground beef, sauteed bell peppers and mushrooms, spices... On top of whole wheat noodles and drizzled with cheese=YUM! Maybe lasagna will sound good next week? Although I'm dying for some hearty soup.
- I confess that coffee continues to taste much more delightful when consumed from a monogrammed tumbler. The regular sight of Pumpkin Spice creamer in the Walmart dairy coolers just makes my heart soar, plain and simple.
- I confess that I ran across this great quote in an article yesterday, and just HAD to doodle it down so that I'd always remember it! "Embrace what you bring to the table. Don't like it? Have the courage to change it." Powerful, right?! THIS article is a must read for all ladies.
- I confess that I had a stroke of genius yesterday. I grabbed a Diet Strawberry Limeade on my way into work yesterday morning. As always, I gulped it down and was left with a cup full of strawberries, limes, and Sonic ice {the world's BEST, I'm convinced}. So, I decided to pour in a bottle of my favorite lime sparkling water to create a second limeade! It. Was. Delish. I highly suggest this if you ever find yourself with a cup full of Sonic goodness with no more liquid to be found.
- I was inspired by Brittany's confessions to confess that I, too, am dying to be the owner of a fancy camera! The marketing professional in me shrieks with horror at the number of pictures I use that were taken with my iPhone. Okay, okay... Actually ALL of my pictures are always taken with my iPhone! For Christmas 4 or 5 years ago, my parents got me a fairly nice Nikon. It just was inconvenient to carry around and, let's face it... At that stage of my life I wasn't really interested in capturing moments with a worthwhile photo. Now, at age {almost} 25, I would kill for a nice camera! I'm thinking a Canon? Thoughts?! Reviews?! Henley & Harlow
mightwill hate me for the amount of time I'd spend in their faces with said fancy camera. A fancy camera means I also have an excuse to do more hiking, cooking, and traveling. After all, the camera can't be lonely, right?! Heaven help me!
- I confess that THIS happened on my lunch break yesterday. A locally-owned hardware and home/garden store currently has all of their 10-inch mums on sale for $4.99! My Mama sent me a text to let me know {because, like mother, like daughter... we love a good bargain!} and I was crazy excited since I hadn't yet gone mum shopping for the fall. So, I ran to Yeager's and snagged two of the hugest, most beautiful, almost-ready-to-bloom mums. One in a rust color and one in this most gorgeous purpley/magenta color. I couldn't wait a single second to put them in their rightful place. With a little time, a few rearrangements, a salvaged plant stand, a gorgeous pot that was a housewarming gift from my Mama {which was gifted to me, filled with the most gorgeous majestic palm that you ever did see... which subsequently died during the Arkansas winter - RIP, sweet palm}, and a garage-sale-find wooden planter... Viola! We have a winner. Arriving home yesterday evening, the walk up to my front door just simply made my heart flutter. Fall can officially begin! "Mums" the word ;)
Are you a blogger without a regularly scheduled Friday post?! Head on over to A Blonde Ambition and take a look at the Confessional Friday link up!
Happy fall, y'all! xoxo
THE MUMS ARE BEAUTIMOUS. Shall we go camera shopping together? I see dog photo shoots in our [oh so near] future!