Let's get to it, shall we?!
- I think this is a no-brainer, but I am oh-so thankful that it's FALL! I've been consuming so many pumpkin drinks & desserts that I may likely turn orange and plump before it's all over with. My dad sent me a text yesterday that said something along the lines of "Break out your Frye boots, kid!" Apparently Saturday's high is 66 and Sunday's low is 39! I don't know about where you live, but those temperatures are a far cry from the ones we've been experiencing here in Arkansas thus far this fall. I am THRILLED!
- Along will fall comes the premier of some of my very favorite shows - Nashville, Revenge, and Scandal all had/have season premiers within one week and one day of each other. I am in TV heaven! Just in time for this cool weather.
- I am super duper thankful for CrossFit! My mom actually commented recently about how crazy it is to look at pictures of me from the holidays last year versus now. The difference in muscle tone especially shocks me! If you're looking for a way to be physically active, I highly suggest CrossFit. At one time or another, I've participated in pretty much any type of physical activity you could think of - I played sports basically 24/7 as a kid; I've done group yoga and Pilate's classes, had independent gym memberships, been a runner, been a hiker, been a swimmer, and even had a short stint with boot camp-style programs {NOT my style!}. CrossFit is, by far and away, the best and most effective work out regimen I've ever done! I am my own biggest competition and when I miss a day, I feel like I forgot to wear pants. Not to mention, the group of friends you can make by getting involved in a CrossFit box {our lingo for "gym"}, is just completely awesome! Not only do I work out with these people and receive motivation and encouragement from them day in and day out... But I hang out with them outside of the gym! It's pretty much the best thing. Ever. If you have any questions about what it's like to be a CrossFitter, leave a comment! I'd love to help :)
- Speaking of CrossFit, I got a PR {personal record} on my deadlift last night... 300 POUNDS! The most I'd ever lifted before was 245, and that was about 2 months ago. Needless to say, I was certainly shocked when I increased that former max by 55 pounds. I am thankful for that in more ways than I can count!
- I am thankful for Christmas music. Michael Buble's Christmas CD is just a'waitin' for me to put it to good use.
- While we are on the topic of music, I'm very thankful for the Praise & Worship station on iTunes Radio! While I'll certainly be the first to admit that Apple has some kinks to work out before I just rant and rave about iTunes Radio, I just love the selection of music they play on that P&W station! Kari Jobe, Point of Grace, and Phillips, Craig, & Dean just make my heart uncommonly happy.
- I am thankful for Large and/or Route 44 Diet Strawberry Limeades from "The Sonic." The end. That needs no further explanation.
- While this points to just how OCD I really am, I am thankful for paper agendas! I've had the Erin Condren Life Planner for the past two years, but think I'll be going with the Whitney English Day Designer this year. I am just not a girl who can get behind the idea of relying fully on my iPhone for appointments... I like to write things down! Have you tried the Whitney English Day Designer?! Reviews?! If not, any other recommendations for a fabulous paper planner?
- I am thankful for Kate Spade Twirl perfume. It pretty much instantly makes me happy when I spray it on every morning. Good ole Kate! I can always count on her.
- I am thankful for friends who inspire me! Again, no explanation needed :)
What are YOU thankful for this week?! xoxo
I'm thankful for YOU...and I'm so thankful we share the same taste in Christmas music. I found my Michael Buble CD in my car this week and I'm dying to listen to it. Gotta get through pumpkins first! <3 Love you!