- Speaking of Apple TV, I confess that I do believe it's the best one-hundred bucks I've ever or WILL ever spend! I finished up season 2 of Scandal just last night. Holy wow! Any recommendations on what TV series to pick up next?! I'm thinking Orange is the New Black, Parenthood, New Girl, Downton Abbey, Breaking Bad... The list goes on, really! I feel like I have a whole lifetime of TV to catch up on.
- I confess that I praise the dear Lord for being able to wear jeans to work on Fridays. I look so forward to Fridays, as I'm a big time jeans girl. I'd really wear them every single day if I could! With a pair of Tory Burch flats.
- Speaking of shoes, I confess that I am just NOT made for the booties trend. While my legs are muscular, they're fairly thin and, some would say, chicken-like... I've tried on booties of all kinds: with a heel, without a heel, hit right at the ankle, go a little above the ankle, with embellishments, without embellishments, budget-friendly, break the bank but seemingly worth the splurge... No dice. I just don't think I was made for booties, but oh how I wish I was!
- I confess that I LOVE hair days! I got my hair high/low-lighted for fall and also got a nice little trim this Tuesday night, and I feel like a brand new woman. I have had short hair for about 3 years now, and am currently on track to grow it out. However, I'd be negligent if I didn't mention that I've been "growing my hair out" several, several times over these past 3 years and always end up cutting it a few months in. It just drives me crazy! My hairdresser and I have a running joke about it. I'll walk in the shop, professing my obsession for growing long hair, and she laughs... God bless her! {By the way, if you're in the Fort Smith/NWA area and are in need of a hairdresser, let me know... I will hook a sista UP! My girl works magic. I swear by it.}
- I confess that I've officially found my newest obsession. TAZO Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte. OH. EM. GEE. {Please read the aforementioned statement in your most dramatic voice ever} I found this little gem at Target {pronounced by the most classy as "TAR-JAY"} recently, and it's safe to say I'm hooked. I told you recently about my iced pumpkin spice latte creation, and don't be mistaken that I'm still in love with it. However, I prefer my coffee hot... And, since drinking coffee with clear braces requires a straw... And since drinking hot coffee through a straw is just plain weird... I had to improvise! Enter, this stuff. You mix it with equal parts milk and can either heat it in the microwave/on the stove or pour it over ice. I was in a hurry this morning, and poured mine over ice. IN. LOVE. Such a treat and a welcomed aversion to the traditional, hot PSL. I even performed a selfless act of service and proved that it tastes all the better when consumed in a monogrammed tumbler. You're welcome. {PS - you may notice the ginormous tub of OxiClean in the background... For all you bargain hunters, I'm happy to report that it's on sale at Target this week. As is my most favorite fabric softener ever, Downy Infusions Sage Jasmine. Run to Target. Now.}
- While we're on tasty, I confess that I may have found my most favorite tasty AND easy recipe ever this week: Tomatillo Chicken and Spinach Enchilada Stack. Does that make your mouth water?! Never fear. Recipe coming on the blog soon :)
- I confess that my heart is happy, happy lately. I just can't get over it! The Lord truly is faithful to those who seek conviction and are fervent in prayer.
- I confess that tomorrow night I plan to lay on my couch and eat pizza... A pizza I've been craving ever since I got braces and have been unable to eat pizza. I might even get crazy and drink a Diet Coke with Lime WITH my pizza. Rebel life, y'all.
If you're a blogger and don't have a post planned for today, head on over to A Blonde Ambition and link up with us ladies for Confessional Friday! Have a wonderful, blessed weekend - I'll see you back here next week! xoxo
OK- that drink sounds amazing, and I want to catch up on all those shows. Your confessions have inspired me- I am such a coffee/tea and TV junkie! Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteBrittany, thanks SO much for your sweet comment! If you're a fan of pumpkin and chai tea, you really MUST try this TAZO blend! It's amazing. I'm a recent, self-diagnosed TV junkie, and I'm loving it! The minute I saw your comment, I just had to check out your blog - I love it! Thank you for reading & have a blessed day :) xoxo
DeleteLove you. Love your Blog.