Precious, right?! Ashley wrote a post yesterday about "The Little Things," which got me thinking about how grateful I am for all of the blessings, big and small, in my life. So, what better way to celebrate than participating in {Thankful} Thursday?!
- One of the things I'm most thankful for is a circle of friends who encourage me in my walk with The Lord. What an amazing feeling to know that, when I need that extra boost, I've got friends who are covering me in prayer. At the ripe ol' age of {almost} 25, I consider that a HUGE blessing. To be surrounded by Godly women who are shining bright for the Kingdom... Well, I'm humbled!
- This week I'm particularly thankful for NyQuil, daytime allergy medicine, ice cream, orange juice, and Ramen Noodles. I've been sick as a dog this week - my coughing sounds somewhat similar to a fifty year smoker! After lots of time spent in sweatpants, lounging on my couch... I'm on the mend! Boy-oh-boy how I'm missing CrossFit this week!
- Since I've been coughing up a storm and gradually losing my voice, I've spent lots of time with my mouth closed. I've been praying silently, instead. I'm thankful for God's ability to close even the most talkative girl's mouth when He has something He needs her to hear! In my head, on my heart, and making an appearance in my prayers over and over again this week is this verse: "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." -Psalm 19:14
- I'm super-duper thankful for opportunity. Hard work and dedication pay off, y'all! The fact that we live in a country where we can chase our wildest dreams and fulfill our desires is so humbling to me, and certainly makes me feel thankful. We are truly fortunate to live in the United States of America, where we have unlimited potential and resources to maximize that potential. Not everyone is so lucky!
- I'm thankful for instances in which I learn patience. As history would have it, I'm not the most patient girl you ever did meet. But, I'm a work in progress! Rome wasn't built in a day, y'all... It's been such a refreshing journey to learn that patience, and to let go of the reins of my life. It's afforded me SUCH opportunity and has certainly decreased my stress level! There is truly nothing comparable to living in God's will.
- The fact that fall has made its grand appearance this week makes me SO, SO thankful! I even got to wear my Frye boots on Monday! I've been strongly resisting the urge to drink at least twelve Pumpkin Spice Lattes per day. It's a hard knock life!
- Since I'm feeling all sentimental.... I'm VERY thankful for this little blog! After years of resisting friends' advice to start one, I'm thrilled that I took the leap of faith this summer and dove in head first. Blogging has been a big blessing in my life! As someone who hasn't always been a "feelings talker," putting myself out there didn't come naturally at first. I love hearing from readers about how much they liked a certain post or recipe, or bought an outfit I'd recommended, or were touched by one of my more serious posts. This has been a big, unexpected blessing!
- I'm thankful for the little things. People who I care about taking time out of their day to check on me or tell me I've been on their mind or in their prayers. A funny text from a friend. Dinners and RHONJ with my mama. Cuddles with my pups. I think, as we get older, these little things become seemingly bigger!
What are YOU thankful for today?! Try to do one think to make someone else's day special today. I promise you'll be blessed by it! Happy Thursday! xoxo
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