So, for lack of inspiration, I give you a random list of what I'm loving lately :)
- Grey's Anatomy - You read that correctly. I realize the show is long gone. However, I loved the first two seasons and then sort of stopped watching. Since every season of the show is now on Netflix, I started from the beginning! I'm now on season 4 and am already dreading the end. Come back to me, McDreamy!
- Hair - I've been hearing lots and lots of wonderful things about the new Crown Beauty Bar in Fayetteville, and decided to give it a try! I've been going to the same hairdresser for about 4 years now and love her to death. But what's a little change every once in awhile?! I've heard rave reviews about the color and products they use at Crown, and am waiting with bated breath for my appointment next Saturday! I even have a picture of the color I'm wanting to try out, and am excited to be a little daring with my hair. Since Fayetteville is about 45 minutes from me, I'm going to make a day of it. My hair appointment is in the morning, so I'm going to spend the afternoon perusing some of my favorite Fayetteville spots - Riffraff, Shindig, Pigment, etc. I can't wait for a "me" day!
- Party planning - If you were following along in September when I got my braces, you know this girl loves a reason to celebrate! Both my mom and baby sister have birthdays in the month of March, within 6 days of one another. We picked a Saturday for a joint celebration, and I'm the hostess! I've been gathering ideas for decor, menu, and birthday cake and can't wait to see how it all comes together.
- The Antelope in the Living Room - It's the new book I'm reading and it's hysterical. This author released her first book {Sparkly Green Earrings} last summer, and I read it while vacationing at the beach. I died laughing the whole time. Dare I say her new book is even funnier! If you're looking for a good read, do yourself a favor :)
- Target - This is nothing new and, if you know me in real life, should come as no surprise. I. Love. Tarjay. I could spend hours on end in that place. In fact, Saturday morning when I was trying to avoid the doctor's office at all costs {I have an aversion}, I spent almost two hours in Target. That's right. I said it. Sorry I'm not sorry. If a girl really spends time digging in Target, she can find some glaringly great deals. The SALES, y'all! Seriously. For instance: pajama pants, a Sugar Paper LA monthly calendar, clearance kitchen towels, clearance thank you cards, clearance washi tape, super cute items in the dollar section, clearance party supplies, twenty dollar steak knives that come with a $10 Target gift card when purchased {shout out to Mama K}... The possibilities are endless. I mean, not that I would know or anything....
- Thank you cards - And really any cards or stationary for that matter. If you saw the collection I have, you'd be embarrassed for me. Yet I keep buying... A girl can never have too much stationary!
- Old quilts - We have this monthly vintage flea market in our area and I'm kind of super obsessed with it. Last time my mama and I went, we both scored this stupidly inexpensive but gorgeous and in stellar condition vintage quilts. I, of course, had to buy two. Had I known then just how often I'd use these babies, I would've bought every quilt the woman had. I keep one in my bedroom and drape it over my comforter on chilly nights, and the other stays on my couch and is constantly wrapped around me - especially since I've been sick!
- Tory Burch - Again, no surprise. And the black Miller sandals may or may not be en route to my front door... If I had zillions of dollars, I'd own everything that ole Tory makes. No lie. I'm in love.
- Converse - If you don't have at least one pair, we cannot be friends. I used to think they were so silly and I was just sure I couldn't pull them off in a million years. Last May, I bought my first pair. That was almost a year ago. I now own 3 pairs. They go with everything and are so freakishly comfortable. If I could wear them every day, I totally would. Are we sensing the whole "I might have a slight shoe obsession" pattern?! Good.
- Peonies - I've decided that they're my very favorite flower. On the planet. Next to hydrangeas. A bouquet of the two might send me into a tizzy.
What are you loving lately?! Anything that we all just can't live without! Do tell, please :) Have a wonderful week, lovelies! xoxo
Crown is where I am having my bridal party & I get our hair/makeup done! I am itching to go up there beforehand and get some color. Stationary? I've overloaded on it since the wedding planning began! LOVE! And WHERE is this monthly flea market you speak of?? Seriously, I could comment on every item you posted about. love it all.